Real Estate

Supporting both sellers & investors, SIPD has very good access to the Slovenian real estate market, in particular hospitality and residential property with strong development potential. Our database and knowledge of properties & development opportunities is not 100% public, so drop us a line with your requirements and we’ll respond with ideas.

Featured Development Opportunities

Vrh Nad Laškim House
The building in a dominant position with a beautiful view in the village Vrh nad Laškim was formerly used as a village pub and there were the owner’s apartment and rooms to rent on the first floor. The reconstruction is shaped in a big way by the fact that the...
House Zasip
The concept for this new contemporary Slovenian home is to assemble one house from several volumes - two volumes with a gabled roof are connected by a glass entrance volume with a flat roof. The smaller ground floor gable volume is intended for a garage and service...

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This is not a full list of available properties as we also have access to off-market opportunities as well as options from a range of partners.  

Please send us your requirements! 

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Why choose us?

With an architectural & design team in-house, SiPD can ensure that real estate & development opportunities are properly ‘brought to life’ with providing and displaying concepts and ideas. This hugely complements the sale process. We can also provide indicative pricing on completion so potential buyers have the full picture. Knowledge is power!